Being creative is something many people, students included, find frustrating and I can't figure out why. Maybe it is because they didn't have the imagination that I had as a kid. Or people are so tightly wound that they forget what it is like to let your mind run wild. (Something I hope the students in this class do). I keep trying to change some ways that we are going to create in this class and if you have any idea's please let me know. I hope you do enjoy the blogging and that all of you will reply to every body's at least 2 times and enjoy this class as much as I enjoy teaching it.
I enjoy creative writing just for the chance to imagine and come up with anything. I like the fact that it a free process and you can come up with something amazing using your own mind. I have always liked writing stories, but it was when I was a junior in high school I found enjoyment in creating poetry. I totally agree with your point and I too hope that everyone has fun in this class!!!
Ms. J
so in this class we can write about whatever we want or are a=you going to tell us what to write about?
are you sure this doesnt count as an english class?
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