Monday, March 30, 2009

Wonder Woman

I have alluded to my "Sex in the City Monologue" that I have, when I write , but I should let you know that it is also a part of my daily life...way to often. Which brings me to the topic of choice...WONDER WOMAN! my world is being over run by media tendencies and the necessity to repeat, analyze and listen to what is around me...I find my self laughing at "Sturdy Wings" or thinking about playing LAIRE, or even laughing at myself when I order a Veinte drink at Starbucks. "You have ruined three languages"... But it was a trip to target that really helped with me finding parts of me. I purchased many things...1. A Note Pad with the Wicked Witch of the West on it...something I think of my self...or maybe my students to...but the joy I felt when I found it made me think...She is really not that bad...all she wanted was some fabulous red shoes...and really who doesn't want that? Plus, after reading Wicked by Gregory McGuire I truly believe she is misunderstood. Think of the power she has, and she like sugar, melts in water...proving she has a sweet side. (Just like me)

Next second purchase was a Wonder Woman note granted I always was a SheRa girl, but they don't make comic book about her, so this was the next best thing. Not only is Wonder Woman another powerful sorceress much like the Wicked Witch, but she too has a killer fashion sense that aides in her wonderful-ness...No Cellulite. I remember when I could rock the leotard, it was when I was five and in dance class..however, the sweet boots, lack of a cape, head and arm bands and the LASSO or Whip....?? (Smirking) really plays into my idea.... what that is I am not sure it just made the notebook a must needed purchase to remind me that everyday I need to look good, and whip (giggle) people in to am not sure, but I do know that I am now on the search for red boots with a white stripe and wonderful accessories....

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Okay, so there is a lack of motivation among many...including myself. I am totally motivated to complete some things, and not others. I am having a hard time getting off the couch and work out, you would think that my pants not fitting well would be motivation, but not enough.

My students are not motivated to turn in their homework, so the idea of offering them pizza for raising their class average five far they are lowering it. Is it the winter blues, or what?

How do you motivate the non motivated???