Thursday, January 29, 2009

Embarassing moment!

So I was trying to be all prepared this morning since I had a 7:45am meeting, had to take the dog to the groomer, and was hoping to manage all of this with out being late. I get in my car at 7:23am get to the groom at 7:35 am get to school at 7:43am and I start prancing/running to make the meeting on time, mind you, I am in heals and the school is the greatest at getting all of the snow off the parking lot, so while prancing/running to the doorway, I fell. Not just slip, like I caught my balance, but like FALL, seriously if I was an osteoperidic person, probably would have shattered my hip/pelvis and femur style of fall. The first thing i did was to see if anybody saw me....Yep! Luckily someone was more concerned about my well being than I was, I was irritated because I was gonna be late. I am still debating as to check with the security guys to see if they have it on tape!

Needless to say, my thigh, rump, and ego are all a little bruised. But hopefully the image of me falling brightened your day!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What is the appeal?

Students are dropping out of high school left and right, because that seems like the easiest thing to do. It also doesn't help that they see the people who have dropped out living the easy life with all of the money and time that they now have. Thus I ask, what is the appeal of this? Understand that dropping out didn't blatantly occur at my small class C high school, it was smarter to switch school than to drop out all together. That was also 8 years ago, mind you. However, now the school has a drop out rate higher than it has been, and no logical idea, that I have heard, to fix it. Again I ask, what is the appeal? Is breaking the law the appeal? Is spending time in JDC appealing? Is working earlier than you have to and knowing that you will be doing that for the rest of your life appealing? Maybe its the fact that you no longer have to deal with all of those teachers you didn't like. Those teachers who spent their weekends grading your papers, who tried to help you and remind you of things you needed to do, so you didn't fail. Who put up with being called names like bitch, racist, ass hole...just to name a few. Those teachers, must be absolutely horrible. I get that some people don't always mesh with everybody, but are you going to mesh with the people on the street? Or the cop that catches you, or the judge that sentences you?

I am not trying to prove that by dropping out of high school that the life described above is what is going to happen to all people. It is more blanket statements, than actual fact, yet, in a majority of cases, students who don't finish high school and/or go on to get their GED, lean toward ending up in that case. When has it become easier to quit than to conquer?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Geeking Out

I have realized that I have this new/renewed love for reading! I don't know why, nor is it honestly necessary to blog about, but there is something to be said for escaping into your own little world. I think that is why I enjoy teaching creative writing so much. Not only do I spend my free time reading what the future of the world is writing, but the insight that is gained from all types of reading makes me happy. (You are so allowed to make fun of me) I am finding it hard to put books down, and I am currently dreaming of spending my weekends in the Library so that I can catch up on reading.

An example of my nerdiness comes from reading Multiple Blessings by the Gosselin family from the show "Jon and Kate plus 8" after reading I had to check out the website. I just got done looking at the Stephanie Meyer website, because I needed my Twilight fix, and in some cases I can't wait until the movie New Moon comes out. Than there is the Shopaholic series that I read in one summer, and that movie comes out in February as well. I am currently feeling like the quintessential nerd that you see in movies. It seems like a slight obsession, and I know I should spend my time balancing my checkbook, grading papers, working on my homework for my masters, etc. Oh no, I need to geek out and read my books!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Laziness VS Understanding

Practically everyday I wonder if students are understanding what is being taught; especially this time, since my sophomores are studying Julius Caesar. The reason for this contemplation is when asking for discussion or an answer to a question, I get glassy eyes and blank faces. On average 5 students are willing to respond. Thus I ask, is it fear, is it not knowing/comprehending, or is it laziness...someone else will respond.

No matter what it is, this creates an uneasiness for the future. If students can't respond to the questions being asked than how will they respond to a question in an interview? OR When their boss asks them what they want to do in the future? Is the education system making students fear the reactions that they will receive? Or is the ability to respond easier if it is left up to someone else?

For instance, in one of my classes, it got to the point that I had to remind them, if a question ends with a question mark, in most cases it should be followed up by a response, and preferably by all students not just the loud ones. I in turn followed up with, "Are you understanding what is being said?" those who responded said yes, the rest twiddled their thumbs and looked around. As a teacher it is my job to check for understanding, but how can you I complete that task if all I get is the loud kids to respond. I can use questions and worksheets, but that turns into a whole new issue, because on average 1/3 of my classes won't turn their homework in anyway.

What a can of worms I have!

Monday, January 19, 2009

You crazy kids.

Please note, that on most cases I love my job. The list below is just as much positive as it is negative...

Really who wouldn't want to teach kids about a subject that in most cases, majority of students were already burned by; or, how about having a jobs that changes everyday, and requires you to constantly be organized, on your toes, accountable to a large amount of people and for a large amount of people. In this job you get to use your creativity daily, discuss, joke, reprimand, plan, get made fun of, get talked about behind your back, and on top of it all...hope that at least one students learned what you taught today. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen. (most of the time)

I went in to teaching because I felt that my teachers were not as good as they could be, school was boring, and I wasn't prepared for the future. I thought that I would do that, I would help kids be prepared, or at least more prepared than I was. I get the job at my old high school, and I think that some kids were a little more prepared than I was, but when so much is spent reteaching because students seem to forget more than they learn, it becomes a very frustrating battle, that sees no end... understand I am not asking for answers, more insight as to why students become forgetful. Or why/when does the English class become boring? What turns people away from some thing that is used everyday all of the time?

I just spent a lunch discussing with my sister what could be changed and what our future holds...granted she is career minded, is a manager in a non-profit and she too faces a lot of the same struggles that I totally opposite fields. Why is it that making a people think for themselves is creating this situation where I am a dentist, pulling all of their teeth out. Granted, I love the idea of technology as a tool to understand and supplement pieces of education, and what we can gain from technology still amazes me, yet we have lost what it means to talk, to discuss, to show emotion more that :) :( :P. (I am aware I am discussing technology on a blog and it some ways it seems contradictory, but to me this a supplement to my class not my only outlet, I do know how to converse, discuss, and inquire)

Again, I find joy in my job daily...but do students honestly find enjoyment in education anymore?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

What's the point???

For those of you who are curious as to what the purpose of Blogging is and to watch for HERES THE LIST.....

Please check it out and tell me your opinion!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I love teaching creative writing!