Monday, April 12, 2010

Random thoughts....

I realize that this blog is a bit sporadic, and there is no general theme but more of the randomness that is my life. Certain days different things inspire me, be that the amazing person I was dating, my family, a current issue, my students, or whatever else floats my boat. Lately, I have lost some of that inspiration and myself. As I continue to age gracefully I am forced to learn more things about myself and the reasons' I do what I do, or react the way I react. These realizations have brought me to the conclusion that I am afraid of a lot of things. I am not the creeper who can’t go outside or is afraid of the sun, I am fearful of deeper things. I am afraid to open myself up to love, I am afraid to be okay with just existing, I am afraid of disappointing people be that my family or my friends, I am afraid of letting people down because I can't complete that task or tasks that have given me.

I have been trying to gain some clarity as to why I am so fearful of things, and currently I can't. So I am stuck in these random thoughts, floating around my head, and being unable to decipher through the mess that is in my brain. This has prompted me to become more of a hermit, start dating my DVR, and continue to blog about randomness.