I think I am breaking up with Netflix...
Allow me some explanation, since October I have been dating my TV. After I moved into my house I made the relationship more serious by committing to Netflix. I loved the movies that would arrive and couldn't wait to watch them. I found enjoyment watching Paper Heart, (500) Days of Summer, All About Steve, etc. but lately my relationship with Netflix has dwindled. Due to the fact that my relationship with a real person has developed. Although I know my TV and my DVD player are missing our evenings together, the sweet flower and card I received from the real person is something they can't give me. This person is more romantic than any movie I have watched lately, he has surprised me with the all of the commonality, intellectual conversations, and the kind, meaningful words. I do declare...I am smitten with this person, and I like it. So I am sorry Netflix, you will be put on hold for a while...we may need to put our relationship on the back burner. Someone else has filled you shoes, I hope we can still be friends.
1 comment:
pretty blog! i vote for it! i a gigantesc huge fan of 500 days of summer: i just love this movie and I want to marry Tom because we both love the same music, ikea, i love the way he thinks, talks and dresses. I love his messy hair and all of him. I know he is not real but hope well have well... Ruefully, he will never read this comment but one person in the world at least will know! Im happy that you need a break with your netflix... we should all do like u and find a 3D person :)
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