So this has been a very crazy 2 weeks, here is why...
1. House things: Majority of the main floor of my house is finished and painted, just working on the decorating. My new heater was installed. Trying to decided if I am going to move up the kitchen update. My microwave went out and I now have to actually cook things, not just reheat it.
2. School things: I have three rehearsals left until my third show this school year. My job is constantly expanding to include running our theater beyond just our school activities. Followed by state assessments, organizing activities for my drama kids to participate in, planning the final show, and the basic everyday teacher activities.
3. Personal things: I have allowed myself to be in a relationship, like a real adult relationship. I have also watched my friends get out of her not so adult relationship, or question their current relationships and I have the feeling that I am not being a good friend and /or girlfriend at the moment. My dog thinks that since he is alone all day, he should be awake all night. So to top it all off, I am becoming addicted to coffee and Red Bull.
I know in the big picture, these are minor things and know this, I am not complaining but really venting/processing the chaos that is becoming my life. I am really hopping I am not "shafting" my friends, family or the new relationship, but the "work/life balance idea" is something I am not sure I am very good at. I think part of this is my need to be social, and the fact that I have, in the past, put my things on hold for people and later resented them for that. Plus, I (thinking Aerosmith) don't want to miss a thing. I am willing to take responsibility in the fact that I brought the chaos on myself, but now I am need of some organizational skills to calm the chaos yet still please those who are important to me, and still maintain my sanity and happiness. Perplexing....