Friday, January 23, 2009

Geeking Out

I have realized that I have this new/renewed love for reading! I don't know why, nor is it honestly necessary to blog about, but there is something to be said for escaping into your own little world. I think that is why I enjoy teaching creative writing so much. Not only do I spend my free time reading what the future of the world is writing, but the insight that is gained from all types of reading makes me happy. (You are so allowed to make fun of me) I am finding it hard to put books down, and I am currently dreaming of spending my weekends in the Library so that I can catch up on reading.

An example of my nerdiness comes from reading Multiple Blessings by the Gosselin family from the show "Jon and Kate plus 8" after reading I had to check out the website. I just got done looking at the Stephanie Meyer website, because I needed my Twilight fix, and in some cases I can't wait until the movie New Moon comes out. Than there is the Shopaholic series that I read in one summer, and that movie comes out in February as well. I am currently feeling like the quintessential nerd that you see in movies. It seems like a slight obsession, and I know I should spend my time balancing my checkbook, grading papers, working on my homework for my masters, etc. Oh no, I need to geek out and read my books!

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