I spent the last weekend in Madison, Wisconsin and aside from a sickly ride home.it was fantastic. I honestly miss a bigger city and the ability to be a free thinking individual without receiving backlash from people. Granted there is not a place you can go that doesn't receive backlash but lately it seems to be coming on full force. I am not sure why or how, but I want to chalk it up to the weather.
I understand that majority of the people in this town are more conservative then I am, I also understand that religion is very important to almost everybody, but why is a difference in opinion such a bad thing? Or if you stray off their path you are considered a bad person, poor role model, or you are jeopardizing your job. I was raised in a Catholic/Christian home and I am very thankful for that. But the fact is that I am not going to inflict my views on anybody else, nor is it my place to judge you for yours. I promise you that majority of people who truly know a person, know that they are good, sincere, and wouldn't do harm to anyone, but really, because you are afraid of free thinking individuals you believe that you have a right to judge them....I think not. Or if something is put on display that makes you uncomfortable you have a right write those people a letter and judge away...Last time I checked the only people who are free to pass judgment on other people, are the ones in a black Robe, sitting on a stand, with a Law degree and the word Judge in front of their name.
I personally feel that if you can't handle the things that go on in public, I am going to assume that you don't watch TV, or have much of a personality. But thanks for opinions anyway, I do respect them, just may not agree with them!
When people are so quick to judge others based on their words & thoughts, remember the words of the Reverend J.M. King:
"I do not know what takes place in the invisible world called the brain, inhabited by the invisible something we call the mind. All that takes place there is invisible and soundless. This mind, hidden in this brain, masked by flesh, remains forever unseen, and the only evidence we can possibly have as to what occurs in that world, we obtain from the actions of the man, of the woman. By these actions we judge of the character, of the soul. So I make up my mind as to whether a man is good or bad, not by his theories, but by his actions."
Not that I would know anything about the subject of censorship or public backlash...being in radio.
Wow. I'm glad you are able to get this one out. Personally, I feel that everyone is entitled to their opinion. Should they feel the need to share it with others, that is up to them. It is what we do with the opinions that people give us is the only thing we can control. Just because one person feels the need to share his or hers views, that doesn't mean that we need to change course or change who we are, all we can do is listen and choose what to do next.
Rowse, Im sure you have already seen that I have gotten a new blog but if you havent it is..
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