Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Valentine's Day...

I used to refer to February 14 as "Single Awareness Day" and I have never been a huge fan. I have celebrated it in the past and they were cute and innocent but nothing was as enjoyable as my most recent Sunday. I am in a relationship (yes, we are no longer just dating) with someone who is very sweet, romantic and pretty much wants to make any bad thing that happened in my past relationships never happen again. Over the course of three days he did just that.

After a stressful week of parent teacher conferences, finishing a show, and trying to get things prepared for the rest of the month I was really looking forward to a weekend of relaxation. I got just that. I spent my day off which was Friday, in the big city had some delicious food, fun times and great shopping with my girlfriends. We went to "Chicago" the Musical and continued to laugh and be silly into the next day. I came back from the big city to spend time with the man and his son. Both of these men brought a huge smile to my face and made me laugh as we watched "Miss Spider" and cut out hearts for the Valentine Tree (Taking down the Christmas tree at his house hasn't happened yet so we morphed it into a Super Bowl Tree and a Valentine Tree.) As I was hanging out with the boys, his son wanted to make sure I opened a present, so present #2 Mood Rings. Totally random and totally us. We were having some silly conversation about them and how the town we lived in needed a store that sold random things It was cute and thoughtful and perfect. But a memorable part for me was when his son wanted to wear mine the rest of the day. He is 2, so it kept falling of his fingers... too cute. The day ended with pizza and family bonding over basketball. (Present #1 was Doggie Stairs, my bed is big, my dog is little and I am yelled/barked at for being on the bed and Bradshaw is too little to get up there....I tweeted about it, he saw it, bought and put together the stairs)

Okay, so if you are still reading this and aren't ready to vomit there was the actual day...although he had made plans to go see a movie that refuses to come to our town, the weather didn't allow it. So instead we hung out, and answered questions from the "IF" book. For example, "If you could pick to musicians to make a duet, who would they be and why?" silly things like was followed by GLEE, (present #3 was a pink t-shirt that said "Gleek:" on it... Excited!!!) Leftovers for lunch and the Matinee of "Valentine's Day" the movie. Mind favorite’s scene from the previews was when Jennifer Garner was demolishing the heart piƱata...I assumed that was going to be me...obviously things have changed. After the movie, a walk with Starbucks through Target and he cooked me a homemade meal...I could not be happier.

This blog is not intended to be like I am rubbing things in, and no matter what, I think Valentine's Day is a little Hallmark created...but the happiness that I felt and the coincided with this year was indescribable and retelling it still brings a smile to my face.
Lesson Learned: You may not always love February 14th but someday you will find that February 14 is a day to just open yourself up to love...

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