Thursday, October 8, 2009

Trying to find my happy.....

Okay just laying this out there for my 16 followers, (Thank you by the way).
I am trying to find my happy! I decided my 3 year relationship should not continue and I broke it off. I felt that the emotions that are needed to move forward were not there for me, so I should no longer continue. In an attempt to be nice about the decision and hope for the best, I realized it is almost better to be mean and awful. Hell, I think it could be even better if I freaking cheated on him. So at this moment he is stealing my happy... I kinda think it is bull shit, because he has already taken parts of my happy for three years why should he continue? I am very angry and hurt and am totally hating text messages!
So any suggestions for trying to find my revised happy?


Angie said...

erase him from your phone...don't respond. block him!

Jennifer said...

Only time will make the situation better but hopefully by now(a month later) you are happy...let us know. You can't leave us hanging on this post!