Monday, March 28, 2011

A love for reading...

When I was little I loved reading! My Grandma was a Librarian in North Dakota and it was great to be able to spend a week with her and see how many books I could get done; that was at age 10. At age 18-23 for me reading was spent on College Lit, Master's Lit or on a rare occasion Chick lit on my vacation (The few times I was able to read for pleasure). Now at age 28 I have found that being able to read for pleasure is a must for me.

Over the past snow days I read 2 books in one day and I was jazzed about it. My parents surprised me with a Kindle and I was pretty happy about that. I now have 21 books downloaded on it, and it is easy to carry around in my purse. Currently I am reading Chelsea Handler's first book and Soul Identity.  But on top of that, I have a pile of books to be read.

After reading this....all I was thinking was "Cool Story Bro" I am not exactly where I intended to say with the post, but yay reading!

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