Monday, February 16, 2009


This blog is pretty ho hum...more of a processing blog than anything...

Okay, so to some people when things end in people's life, be that a relationship, friendship, graduation etc. It is the theory of some to get rid of everything, it over and done with and there is nothing more to hold on to. Yet I ask, (in my sex and the city monologue that is happening in my head) Is it ever good to get rid of what ends? I understand, stinky food = throw it away, dead flowers= toss or cherish...but what about old friends? I still have my year books, I still have my personal accomplishment, but what about the things your accomplished with friends, are your supposed to toss it to the side when you stop being friends? There is something to be said for remembering experiences. Unless I go in to a sever comma and experience amnesia, I really haven't forgot the memories, but do I need the tangible items to relive the memories?

Granted, there is some therapy that results in getting rid of the toxicity, but what if you are not that person who sees the negative or bad in all things, and think that by keeping what is important you maintain that person you were. Just even seeing things for what they are worth.. does that help you remember moments that in some way defined who you are. In my 26 years of living, I feel pretty proud of what I have accomplished, I have a Master's Degree (almost) I have a steady job, I have a stellar family, I have a good boyfriend, random friends etc. But because of situations I got rid of some of those seemingly insignificant things, that were the memories. I am not friends with everybody I once was, but they were still important. I am not dating the same people, but with out some of them, I wouldn't be who I am. I have moved from here and there but miss those almost monthly. What is there to hold onto? Is living in the past really that bad? Is it all about the future, even when the future strikes a bit of fear with in you???


sambam said...

well a lot of people in my life come and go and there is a lot of people who i used to be real good friends with that i dont get along with anymore.i still keep pictures and other things that remind me of them.not because i havent let them go but bc i learned a lot from them.good and bad.

kaylajean said...

you posted this blog at 11:11.
my wish is that i could deal with things like that^. but everything i have that reminds me of jon makes me sad.